I’m starting to work with 3d and I have an aesthetic that I’m trying to reach. I want to be able to have my models show with extra emphasis on the edges of the models, like in Cel Shading, but without the toonish lighting. I haven’t been able to find very much info on this or if this is even possible with LibGDX. If anyone has some insight on this, it would be much appreciated.
This is done through a custom shader. LibGDX allows you to specify these. If you look for cel shading online you can find a lot about it.
I don’t have much experience with 3d, but am I going to see much of a performance drop from using shaders?
If anything, you will only see a performance boost, since default shader is packed with stuff you don’t use I imagine.
Modern gpu’s can’t render anything without shaders. There is no overhead really but cost is related what you are doing at shader.
in your shader… you will need to “test” if your at the edge of your model and if so change the color to say black…
you can reapply this same logic to see if your “withing 5 pixels” of the edge to make the highlight bold if you want.
I researched about this problem some time ago, here is a stackoverflow link with some nice posts in it.