Dear JGO-Community,
Currently I am doing some research about Planetary body Tilesystem.
But what is it what I am trying to figure out?
Well take for example these to pictures:
Picture 1: Celestial/Planetary bodies
Picture 2: Terraria Tilemap
The idea is to get the TileMap as Terraria i[/i] into a celestial/planetary body i[/i].
But I’ve no idea how to accomplish this type of Tile System/Management.
I think it’s just as simple as wrapping a TileMap around the body, but I’ve also no idea on how to accomplish that.
As far as I’ve researched, I cannot find any information about this subject. Maybe because I cannot find any information is because I don’t know how to describe the thing I want to find. So if any of you know anything about this subject, just post the link etc.
I really need the help of you guys, so if you know anything about this subject, or know some information (e.g. wikipedia article/github etc.) just post it.
If you have any question, feel free to ask them.
Thanks for reading and/or helping