LibGDX - Camera Problems

So, I have lately gotten into 3D game development with libGDX and I managed to get models into the game. Now I am trying to create a camera for the game, an FPS camera to be exact. When I rotate just the pitch it works perfectly, I can look up and down. And when I rotate just the rotation it works fine too, I can look left and right. But when I combine the two and start rotating the camera in both the x and y axis i start getting weird effects:

It seems that the z axis starts getting messed up. What am I doing wrong? My code is below.

	public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) {
		calculateRotation(screenX - oldX);
		oldX = screenX;
		calculatePitch(screenY - oldY);
		oldY = screenY;
		camera.rotateAround(camera.position, Vector3.Y, -rotation);
		camera.rotateAround(camera.position, Vector3.X, pitch);
		return true;

	private void calculatePitch(int y) {
		float pitchChange =  y * 0.4f;
		pitch = (int) -pitchChange;
	private void calculateRotation(int x) {
		float rotationChange = x * 0.4f;
		rotation = (int) rotationChange;