I have this issue and I am not quite sure what to do.
I have a Box2D world that is 30 meters width and 15 meters height, the problem being this technically translates to 30 pixels by 15 pixels when you try to draw anything not related to Box2D using SpriteBatch and BitmapFont. SpriteBatch is fine and easy to scale, since it is as simple as setScale(1,1) 90% of the time, sometimes a little tweaking is required.
However, when I try to draw a font onto the screen…I get this HUGE character, normally just a small part of it due to its size. I have tried:
font.setScale(x, y)
Both of these work to a small degree, I am having to put in a stupidly small float in order to scale it accordingly, such as 0.0015f.
So I have done this and my font appears on the screen, so I set it to the correct position and think everything is ok. This font I am drawing is to keep track of the score, so every iteration of the game loop the score adjusts, whenever it changes from 0 to 1, it disappears off the screen.
Now even worse, if I want to put any text information such as
"Player 1: " +p1Score
, this gets realllllly screwy. Now the score counter is all messed up and somewhere else on the screen, the word Player 1 mainly consists of letters such as PYE as if some characters are too large to fit in.
Does anyone have a work around for this?
Here is my drawing code for reference:
scoreFont.draw(batch,"" + p1Score, 13f, 14.5f);
scoreFont.draw(batch, "" +p2Score, 16, 14.5f);
// // Iterate through bodies, get sprites
for (Body body : tmpBodies) {
if (body.getUserData() instanceof Sprite) {
Sprite sprite = (Sprite) body.getUserData();
body.getPosition().x - sprite.getWidth() / 2,
body.getPosition().y - sprite.getHeight() / 2);
sprite.setRotation(body.getAngle() * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees);
sprite.setOrigin(sprite.getWidth() / 2, sprite.getHeight() / 2);
This code here is in the show method, this is where the font gets it’s scale set:
// Create fonts
scoreFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/headingwhite.fnt"));
scoreFont.setScale(0.01f, 0.01f);