Perhaps I haven’t looked into audio using libGDX or OpenAL enough, but I feel like this should have a simple solution. When playing sounds using both the Sound and Music classes, the output is far too quiet. The volume is by default set to 1, and increasing it beyond that value does not make it louder. (which makes sense, since the volume is intended to be between 0 and 1)
When I compare the volume of a maxed libGDX Sound or Music to the volume to a Youtube video, or an audio clip played through banshee (I am using Linux), libGDX is much quieter.
Playing sounds natively in Java works at the volumes I’d expect, but I’d rather stick to the LibGDX library as to reduce the number of dependencies on external libraries.
Is there any way, within the confines of LibGDX, to increase the global volume? I’m a little tired of increasing the volume of my computer when testing my game, then having to decrease it whenever I watch a video. I’m aware I could just decrease the volume of Youtube videos, but that only applies to Youtube! What about some other application?
I load my music and sounds via an AssetManager like this.
AssetManager manager = new AssetManager();
manager.load("mymusic.ogg", Music.class);
Music music = manager.get("mymusic.ogg");;
Any reason why this would result in a volume quieter than other applications?