Hi at all!
Excuse me my bad english :clue:
I’m new to this forum, and I’ll try to expose a little my experience during game development…
At first, I had interest to develop a complex game, but I did not know how to program in Java… yeah, I had to learn this language (yeah, this is my hobby, I coded in Batch scripts for 4 years 8) ).
To speed up the things, I searched all over the web, until I found Libgdx.
Libgdx it helped me alot… at first, it was hard to learn how to work with
these simple things: move sprites, manage cameras, method callbacks, etc.
I have practiced alot for one year, during that period, I learned make other stuff, like music, some crappy graphics ;D , etc.
My first Java codes it was game automatization, like generate sprites, some enemy logic, UI’s, etc… of course, using Libgdx
…and I decided to make a “engine” for Libgdx…
I coded this “engine” for easy setup for a simple game, with high emphasis on Java’s (or dalvik VM) GC.
- Fast and lightweight “game engine”
- It has a high performance in both critical points: CPU and RAM.
- It manages box2d and box2dlights automatically, also, experimental particle effects management .
- It reuses greatly parts of created objects effectively, including the sprite’s logic script! ;D.
- box2d drag and drop bodies multitouch support!
- Create a game using powerful scripts: world scripts, sprite scripts, textures & tile scripts
- … possible integration with my other DSP engine…
- …possible box2d auto-plotting physic mesh function based on texture
- Texture obfuscation. AKA “encryption”
- Experimental GUI management, i.e.: create buttons with a single call to a method
- Just ~25 files of source code for the “engine”
- Interpolators! (normal, loop, reverse loop, biderectional loop, etc.)
- Time sequencers!
- Texture atlases management
- and other things…
The engine is called Seta Engine
I have plans to release as open source for some months or years : …
From several testing, this is my final product…
Note: is available fully in english and spanish!
Demo in video
P.S.: The game just uses about 1.98MB !
Any comments will be appreciated ;D