[Libgdx][Akka] TAnima- mmo rogue-like

You are right:)

However, I am working rather on a simple 2d game based on old idea. Player is flying a space plane and dropping bombs on enemy units and facilities. There are also enemy fighters which player have to avoid and may destroy them by firing missiles.

Hope, soon I will be ready to share a short movie.

Going back to your game. Music is great:). What is the software you are using?
You can also add some sound effects, for example when you hit something or when player is near monsters can hear their snarl.

Thank you :slight_smile: I’ve postponed music and sfx dev for now. Maybe I will find someone who will do it for me or find some assets :slight_smile:
I am using FruityLoop :slight_smile:



I was working for two days on procedural generation of the dungeons in the TAnima. When I was thinking about the best abstraction for dungeon description, I’ve found the player’s emotions and goals are the best method of doing it.





What do you think? :slight_smile:

Seeing your progress every day is quite interesting, wish I was similiarly productive.

Over time I’ve learned that you’ve to be skilled in many different areas when making a game on your own: programming, art, music, maybe storywriting, etc. And as I can see you are exactly that :). For me there’s still a long way to go…

Are you planning on realeasing this game on Steam or something? I was just thinking because it’s a MMO with multiplayer and so on…


Thank you very much! It means a lot :smiley: I still have a long way :slight_smile: Sound/music and balance will be the hardest one I think.

Yeah, I want to release it on Steam :slight_smile: and I want to make this game interesting even without community so it’s nice enough to play single if servers are not crowded.


Thanks :slight_smile: Weird spam :stuck_out_tongue:



I have to say that your work inspires me to much more effort developing my own game;)
I wish I could spend more time working on it
Does your algorithm generate rooms and whole map or just only map?

Nice to hear it :slight_smile: I wish you the best :slight_smile:
I am sacrificing a lot by spending time on it but I can’t look at myself in the mirror if I am not following my dreams :smiley:
My algorithm is generating map and now I am working on generating rooms. Today I am finishing next algorithm for “fight rooms”. Some of room types will be based on fixed set of patterns (entrance, exit, shop etc) and some will be procedurally generated.

Item categories in eq:

Balancing enemies:

Balancing economy:

Game balancing needs much more work but it is a good start :slight_smile:

Dungeon ticket- save-continue mechanism :slight_smile:


Game balance and new features :slight_smile:


I’ve created the fury mode.
In fight, player is gaining fury points when attacking enemies. It’s decreasing in time. If it reaches some level, it can be used the enter the fury mode for a limited time.

In fury, character is not loosing stamina and hp and not gaining fury points.

Each of weapon has got it’s own fury:
-sword- knockback enemy
-dagger- sliding through enemy
-wand- increased speed

What do you think? :slight_smile:

Great idea.

You can add some trade off for it and leave decision for player to turn on/off the fury option.
For example when fury passes away player is moving slower.
Nothing is for free:).

Thank you :slight_smile: Your suggestion is a nice one :slight_smile: But I’ve wanted to make it “fatality” move. It’s impossible to see it on the movies up here, but player has to fight a little to get enough fury points to activate it. After activation it will be decreased to zero and player has to get it again. Player can activate it when he wants if he has got enough fury points, but… If he will pass the wave and there will be nothing to fight (and get more fury points) it will be depleted very fast.

I was thinking before about trade offs like “wand fury mode will disable movement” but I think that player will get more fun with getting rampage and destroying everything for a few seconds :slight_smile:

Scaling levels along with number of players (up to 4)

I need your help! I was thinking about adding post processing effects after damage (second part of video). Which one is better?


The 1st. The second is far too… erratic.