LibGDX 3D Controlling the light position in custom shader

Hello there,

I’m currently working on a 3D project in LibGDX using an AssetManager, a simple setup for rendering and a custom shader using a vertex and fragment glsl file. I have some lambert and phong shading and it looks fine, but I’m unsure how to control the position of the lighting.

lambert vertex:

[quote]attribute vec3 a_position;
attribute vec3 a_normal;
attribute vec2 a_texCoord0;

uniform mat4 u_worldTrans;
uniform mat4 u_projViewTrans;
uniform vec3 lightPosition;

varying vec2 v_texCoords;
varying float v_lightIntensity;

void main()
vec4 vertPos = u_worldTrans * vec4(a_position, 1.0);
vec3 normal = normalize(mat3(u_worldTrans) * a_normal);
vec3 toLightVector = normalize(lightPosition -;
v_lightIntensity = max( 0.3, dot(normal, toLightVector));
v_texCoords = a_texCoord0;
gl_Position = u_projViewTrans * vertPos;
lambert fragment:

[quote]varying vec2 v_texCoords;
varying vec3 v_vertPosWorld;
varying vec3 v_vertNVWorld;

uniform vec3 lightPosition;
uniform sampler2D u_texture;

void main()
vec3 toLightVector = normalize(lightPosition -;
float lightIntensity = max( 0.0, dot(v_vertNVWorld, toLightVector));
vec4 texCol = texture( u_texture, );
gl_FragColor = vec4( texCol.rgb * lightIntensity, 1.0 );
I’ve been lurking on stackOverflow with the question and got a response. While the shaders work, I’m unsure about how I link the uniform vec3 lightPosition in the shader with a usable variable in java libGDX in order to change the position of the lighting. Another example I was given was using a struct Pointlight like this for example:

[quote]varying vec2 v_texCoords;
varying vec3 v_vertPosWorld;
varying vec3 v_vertNVWorld;

uniform sampler2D u_texture;

struct PointLight
vec3 color;
vec3 position;
float intensity;

uniform PointLight u_pointLights[1];

void main()
vec3 toLightVector = normalize(u_pointLights[0].position -;
float lightIntensity = max( 1.0, dot(v_vertNVWorld, toLightVector));
vec4 texCol = texture( u_texture, );
vec3 finalCol = texCol.rgb * lightIntensity * u_pointLights[0].color;
gl_FragColor = vec4( finalCol.rgb * lightIntensity, 10.0 );
Now I noticed that the struct has the same variables as a PointLight class in libGDX, so they must be related, but I can’t seem to figure out how to make the struct and uniform usable in libGDX.

Anyone who can point me to the right direction or lend me a hand, I’d really really greatly appreciate your help. Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

Heres the project itself on github:

Have you taken a look at ThinMatrix’ tutorials:
Maybe that gives you an idea on how to do it.