lf someone making the graphics for a tower defense game

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

I have started a tower defense game. It is called “Zombie Tower Defense” for now. After some kind of apocalypse you have to protect your basecamp from zombies and other monsters. The mob waves are infinite and you can try to survive longer than anyone else. So the first gamemode is survival. The level can be edited by using a txt file for easy modification.
The only problem i have is my missing graphical talent… :-\

The major features at this point:
-map editing via txt file
-increase of mob health with the increase of the street’s length
-infinite waves with increasing difficulty
-enemy pathfinding and attacking the camp
-2 towers: machine gun and shockwave tower
-tower gui for upgrading
-pause button

Here is a screenshot:

So as you see my talent for graphics is not that impressive. I am searching someone nice who likes to be creative and can do the graphics for this game. The type of the textures does not matter, you can draw cartoonish or realistic. If you are interested just reply and i will send you the current textures, because you need to know how big every picture has to be.

If you are interested please write me an email: felix.programming@gmx.de

I hope someone can help me,