Level format and Collision

Hello Guys,
I wanted to create Levels with my game Engine and load level files with it, but I don’t know where to get started and what structure should I use for level loading or is there even a good level format to load into my Engine ? And another question is how can I implement collision to my Engine because a simple AABB-Collision isn’t enough :slight_smile:

[quote]is there even a good level format to load into my Engine ?
Yes, sure, there’s always a good solution, just dump some bytes into a file, use Kryo, JSON, whatever.

[quote]And another question is how can I implement collision to my Engine because a simple AABB-Collision isn’t enough
Use one of the other quadrillion collision algorithms out there?
How should we know what you need instead of AABB, do you want me to research and list all collision algorithms that exist? :smiley:

Your question contains no information that could lead to you getting an satisfying answer.

[quote]es, sure, there’s always a good solution, just dump some bytes into a file, use Kryo, JSON, whatever.
Okay Thank you I will look into it :slight_smile:

[quote]Use one of the other quadrillion collision algorithms out there?
How should we know what you need instead of AABB, do you want me to research and list all collision algorithms that exist? Cheesy

Your question contains no information that could lead to you getting an satisfying answer.
Sorry no haha.I need a Collision technique for something like Shooter Games.Is there anything that fits to this or Should I use Sphere Collision or something that way ? :slight_smile:

I guess you want 2d algorithms, so triangle<->triangle and triangle<->ray for complex stuff plus good old AABB<->AABB and AABB<->ray for pre-check.

If It’s just a top-down shooter use circles and rays.

All you need is already implemented in LibGDX:

If you want 3d stuff, just use the equivalent in 3d, like convex hulls and rays.

Just choose what represents your game objects best :o

If you happen to use LibGDX you can use the Tiled Mapeditor mapeditor.org with it. LibGDX has built-in support for it :point:

Like most things with programming, there isn’t a single best way to do this. You can use any format your want: json, xml, simple text, properties, some custom format, serialization, whatever. The best thing you can do is try out a few different approaches and see which one you like best.

Again, there are a million different ways to do this. Start with something simple. Google something like “collision detection” for a ton of results. Put together some simple example programs that test things out.