Late 4K

This is great! We are getting to see a lot of quite cool games in 4K. Here is my second contribution. You are late for something… your choice. Drive a car in heavy traffic and get to your destination as fast as possible.

Very early version (<3h worth of coding), but thoughts are very welcome.

753px is too high. I can’t play it. (It’s quite hard if you can’t see your car)

Hey! Very funny even tough the graphics aren’t sophisticated.
This tells me again that gameplay is more important that graphics/sound but I don’t say that graphics aren’t important too.

good luck

Maybe draw the player’s car with a different color. It would be more visible. Also, make some visual for car impacts.

I think its great! Nice adrenaline pusher.

oNyx: Hehe, yep I should probably add a switch for a smaller screensize. I guess there are still a chunk of ppl with <1024x768.

I will also try to add images for the cars rather than boxes. AnalogKid, you mean that the blue color doesn’t give enough contrast against the road?

I should possibly change the collision to be something other than a “reset” and the other car just “pops away”. Not quite sure what is best. I just have to see how much mem the car images will steal, until I can add more logic.

[quote]Nice adrenaline pusher.
Thanks! That is exactly what I am aiming at. On my laptop, the cars and lines left “contrails” behind them when I was reaching max speed, because the LCD display couldn’t quite keep up with changin so fast. Gotta mean something. Could off course mean that I have a too crappy display as well ::slight_smile:

Yes, player’s car with a more attracting color or image would be better I think. About collisions, you might try just some flashy growing circles around the collision. This way it wouldn’t take a lot of space in the jar.

Argh… cars! Everywhere! Argh…

Cool game!!. though I think its a little unfair at times (poor loser). How about different colour opponent cars that travel at different speeds? Or smaller opponent cars representing bikes.

How about an opponent ghost car who you’re chasing. The longer you stay infront of him/her the more points you get?

Still… ace.


So, I have replaced the blocks with car images. (Still need some imagination to see it…) I’ll try to get some better images and colors at some point. Think they were 10x16 w 8 colors, but still steal 444B.

Kevglas: I think different speed is a nice idea, but will be a bit too complicated for a 4K game. Partly because it will be more complicated data and logic to calculate where the cars are in relation to the player, and I would also have to make sure that computer cars don’t drive into each other. Then they would have to overtake each other or there could be a jam behind a slow vehicle. Bikes and other vehicles would be really nice if I can squeeze it in.

Ghost car, gave me an idea of a 2-player game on one machine. Both would be racing on its own road, but with the same traffic. How about that?

Hehe, yep it is a bit unfair at times… Have reduced the amount of cars a smudge. I also made the road a bit more narrow. The idea would be that it is a bit easier to go out on the shoulder of the road, and overtake on the outside. Not sure if that made it easier or harder.

The car images are great! I played it for far longer just cause it looked cool! :slight_smile:

If you’ve still got room could you:

a) Add an explosion for the car when you hit it (just an expanding circle seems to work quite well)
b) Add a some texture to the green bits… it would look really cool.

2 Player mode also sounds brilliant, that’d really be packing in.

Great Job!


Very enjoyable. If you still have 1.3K left, sound when you collide ;D