KryoNet Performance

I currently have set a 100 players cap, how many can I have while having a stable server.
I’m sending a movepacket for every projectile/player every 33ms. It’s a 2d top down shooter
If someone has had experience with these type of games can you guess how many players you can have?

You can have as many as the machine that the server is running on can handle.

This, however you also have to take into consideration if the client can handle what you require as well, as clients will be receiving data from the server about the current state of other clients.

Yes the server might be able to receive 100 and process 100 packets every 33ms, but the clients and their net might not be able to. So it is a case of finding a nice balance, don’t think just because the server is running sweet and handling a few clients just fine, make virtual clients and test it. Put your network under stress as well and test it with a moderate connection.

Just my two cents :D.

Thanks for the replies, I guess I’ll try, see and optimize if needed with some interpolation