[Kryonet] Is there a limit on UDP packet size?

I found out that my client doesn’t receive any UDP packets if they’re bigger than about 1460 bytes. If they’re smaller than that, it works just fine. I’ve tried using Log.set(Log.LEVEL_DEBUG) but it doesn’t help at all. The server simply says “00:10 DEBUG: [kryonet] Connection 1 sent UDP: Packet (1486)”. The client doesn’t even say anything. It doesn’t matter if I send one packet every second or 30 every second, the result is the same, it only depends on the size of the packet. Also, I can send TCP packets much bigger than 1460 bytes without any problems. So could there be a limit on how big UDP packets can be? I admit I don’t know much about networking.

sounds like falling into fragmentation after hitting MTU size.