[Kryonet] Handling the 'connecting' time - progress dialog or something


I have an app with a menu with 4 options. I need to make that when you click a button, it checks if Kryo is connected and if not - pop a ProgressDialog and try to reconnect.

I don’t have any idea how this should be done. Tried with AsyncTask (I know how Async works, don’t worry), but I don’t know how it should be handled with my classes.

I have this menu class (it’s the main class in the app) where I call:

  makeConnection = new MakeConnection(this);

is a class that connects to the server:

public class MakeConnection extends Thread {
    public Client client;
    public Context context;

    public MakeConnection(Context ctx){
        this.context = ctx;


    public void run() {
        client = new Client(9000000,9000000);
        new Thread(client).start();

        client.addListener(new Listener.ThreadedListener(new Listener() {
            public void connected (Connection connection) {

            public void received (Connection connection, Object object) {
           /*     if (object instanceof Network.PlayerPosition) {
                    Network.PlayerPosition pp = ((PlayerPosition)object);
                    gameLoop.player_opponent.x = pp.x;
                    gameLoop.player_opponent.y = pp.y;


            public void disconnected (Connection connection) {

        String host = "";
        try {
            client.connect(5000, host, Network.port, 8889);
        } catch (IOException ex) {

I just don’t know how to handle moments like ‘connecting’ etc on a main thread - in the menu activity. I need to create a progressdialog, block it and update, when clients gets connected or reconnected again.

If there is anyone that could help, I would be grateful :slight_smile: