Kind Request for Partnership with Java Code Geeks

Dear JGO admins,

My name is Byron Kiourtzoglou, I am co-founder and one of the Executive Editors
at Java Code Geeks is a web site that aims to create the
ultimate Java-to-Java Developers Resource Center and this email’s purpose is to
investigate a possible partnership with you.

First, let me tell you a few things about us. Java Code Geeks have an online
presence of about 2 years, but in that short time have managed to gain wide
recognition and produce solid content. In our posts, we cover a wide variety of
Java related technologies, including enterprise and mobile ones, with Android
being a first class citizen. We have recently surpassed the 60,000 traffic rank
limit at Alexa, while multiple of our articles have been published at DZone,
TheServerSide, Hacker News and We are currently drawing the attention
of more than 150,000 unique visitors per month.

We already have multiple partnerships with community bloggers via the Java Code
Geek (JCG) Program. We are proud to have some renowned people among our current
partners, namely Blaise Doughan (team lead for the TopLink / EclipseLink JAXB &
SDO implementations), Anton Arhipov (JRebel product lead at ZeroTurnaround),
David Pollak (Scala Lift framework project lead), Javier Paniza (project lead
for OpenXava project), Markus Eisele (author and software architect) and Stephen
Chin (Java champion and author).

To provide more for our community we are now extending our partnerships in order
to create a network of Java related sites/forums that we think are worth
visiting so as to promote them to our readers. I am aware that “JGO” is
one of the best Java related forums around, so I would like to propose you a
partnership with Java Code Geeks. This possible partnership could take a variety
of forms. One such form could be the mutual link exchange (banners) between Java
Code Geeks and “JGO”.

We intent to introduce a “Partners” section located at the footer of our site
containing links/banners of all our partner sites/forums. We will be more than
happy to include your link/banner there if you are willing to do the same!

Of course, we are definitely open to other forms of cooperation too.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
