I’ve recently started development on a same-screen multiplayer game called Killer Crates. At the moment it’s a clone of What the Box, since that game allowed me to get something up and running quickly that was also fun and didn’t require any special 3D models.
Each player controls a crate, and must shoot the other players. However, every player looks exactly the same, and there are also lots of other identical crates, which makes for a very tense game as you don’t know which crate is another player. Only if they move can you tell, but then once you move, you give yourself away (if your opponents are looking in your direction)
I’ve used JMonkeyEngine for the 3D. It has built in physics, which you can see from the falling planks.
Now that this version is complete, and going to develop it into a more complex game, maybe something like Goldeneye (eventually!) or a co-op FPS against enemy AI, with character classes like Overwatch.
The game can be downloaded from http://gamejolt.com/games/killercrates/270149