kevglass coke and code?

this may not be allowed to ask. but it is off topic so… Anyways is kevglass the one at coke and code. cause I keep seeing the name kevin glass EVERYWHERE. and I am just curiouse if it is the same one as here.

Actually, Kev Glass and Kevin Glass are two very different persons.

Kevin’s priority has been his wife and kid, and for Kev it’s coding.

Rumor has it that they share ideas every friday night.

Kev is a very nice person, extremely helpful and has done lots of great work with Java. Watch out for Kevin though, he’s rather evil ;D.


K thx for the enlightenment.

They mock you :wink: He is in fact one and the same.

Cas :slight_smile:

Ello? Is this thing on? :slight_smile:


I know, I knew that when I put the post. what I meant was about kevglass writitng the tutorials.

[quote]Kev is a very nice person, extremely helpful and has done lots of great work with Java. Watch out for Kevin though, he’s rather evil Grin.
I don’t how to qualify this. Kevin has gave some much to the community that extremely might be a bit weak word. And yes he’s so evil! :wink: