Karl's Kard's - a simple memory game - Updated, version 2

This is version 2 of my memory game.


Features updated sound, new music, time based score, webserver highscores.

I put 1.6+ as the java ver inside the jnlp, not sure how that’s gonna turn out. Works on my end, but please let me know how it works for you.

It’s still quite hefty, weighing in at 2.4 mb. Mostly due to the image files which are about 170 k each. (Cutting off the white space around them makes them larger in file size, except for the fire card’s png)

The music is thanks to the ogg format’s awesomeness only 500k, and then I still could’ve compressed it more and have bearable quality. I just didn’t have the heart to do it.
Also, I don’t know jazz, I just try to copy what I hear from that sphere of music and make it in my own style.

Still much to do though, to name a few:

  • Possibly new game mechanics; moving cards
  • Possibly removing the 170kb png each card require and come up with a better solution to make it more compact. With use of parallelogram.

Well done :slight_smile: It runs quite nicely over here :slight_smile:

Works, looks and sounds slick :wink: Good work!

Runs great, takes a little while to load and close, but its smooth gameplay. You should add more cards once the player finishes a game. Or have either a fail limit, or a timer.

Thank’s for the encouraging words people.

Corvinex, do you mean other images on the cards? Right now I believe it goes back to a full deck when all pairs are matched.

Well I guess that would have to be the case, yeah add another row of cards after the win.

nice start in Java :slight_smile:
I second: a timer and message or a sound indicating that a new round begins would be great.

Nice game! The effects are pretty. I would like to know if it works fine under Windows and Mac as I have only tested it under Linux. Would you like to add it into the Java Game Tome?

AFAIK it works under windows, linux (judging from your post) and some macs. Some macs have problems with it, which I intend to learn more about.

[quote]Would you like to add it into the Java Game Tome?
A bit later on, I’m still working on it actively!

I get an Exception, probably because of the whole 1.4 1.6 thing.


I too also get an exception when trying to run your game.

Demonpants, Alex.Jeffery, what Os are you at, and what Java version do you have?

Check here: http://slick.javaunlimited.net/viewtopic.php?p=6648#6657

Woogley’s made a 1.4 version of it, try if that works.

Here is a direct link to the 1.4 version:


Anyway, the game looks great! Classic memory with some great effects and graphics.

It looks very polished and is one of the rare lwjgl games that actually worked on my computer.

The card flips are well done.

I’m not fond of memory games, but it was fun and I played a whole game.

Nice work 8)

Updated the game! Check first post.

nice game, polished