judging / results TBA

and for those who dont feel like getting hardcore into LWJGL:

Slick 16k contest

I would actually prefer that very much to just a plain 16K LWJGL contest. Might give that a go if it happened. :slight_smile:

It will be hard to find a compo that can compete with 4k in number of contributions, but I think that a themed slick compo could be a lots of fun. But slick probably have to mature a bit first. Skeletal animation sounds like a cool theme. :slight_smile:

We are getting off topic, are we not? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have nothing against Slick - in fact, I love it! But I guess it should be a LWJGL 16K contest… seems like a “standard” to me, I don’t know how else to explain (it’s early in the morning here and my English is still sleeping =).

As for themes, they could be technology-related, as I suggested before, but a game would be required, not only demos. I shouldn’t need to mention that, but I did just in case someone argues this would be “cold” type contest. Demos are cool, but not as fun as games, everyone certainly agree with that.

As for suggestions for themes… that’s a subject for a whole new thread.

Markus: l4krits didn’t suck. It was buggy, yes, but in a way the most addictive game this yar :smiley:

16 kb in Slick or LWJGL is enough to make basically any kind of game one wants to do, and shifts the focus from size to library (I’m not saying that’s better or worse, just stating facts). I’d love for it to happen, though, as experience shows me it’s about the right size limit for my slick and lwjgl projects. I’d prefer having a slick contest to an lwjgl one, if nothing else because you’ll still be able to use lwjgl in the slick contest, but not the other way around.

Themes in the 4k is in my opinion not a very good idea. With the relatively small size of the 4k contest as it is (yes, I know, it’s big for its kind but it’s still a relatively small contest compared to others out there), I’d say further restrictions would produce too few games. It’s, as woogley pointed out, hard enough to come up with original ideas as it is :slight_smile:

How is the judging going??
Completion %??

And as I said before, Bring on the LWJGL16K 2007!!

as i said before, judging results will be available in the coming weeks

there’s no sense in rushing it like last year


Did you copy the games to your Computer?
I want to update Road Fighter, but I don’t know if I can.


No need to keep us anxious for months ;D

Not that im expeting to win, but yes, i prefer rushing myself :slight_smile:

rushing starts flamewars about how unfair the process is.

taking it slower will not prevent flamewars, but at least it can’t be about rushing the judging process too quickly, eh?


Can we have… partials?

(the hesitate in writing is due to the fact I’m still wondering if ‘partials’ exists in English, as it is in Portuguese =)

[edit: you beat me to it, woogley]

We’ll find out in good time. Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the suspense. ;D

update: all games have been archived onto the javaunlimited server

stay tuned

The “Launch Webstart” link for pipe extreme doesn’t seem to work (the “Download file” one is fine). The following error is produced when webstart is running:

An error occurred while launching/running the application.

Title: Pipe Extreme 1.0
Vendor: Tim Foden, 7sun.com
Category: Download Error

Unable to load resource: http://javaunlimited.net/games/archive/4K07/PipeExtreme/zips/v1.0/pipex.jar

Is the url correct for your server? … I’d be surprised if you need the “zips/v1.0/” bit in there!

(I’d correct it myself, but I no longer seem to be able to edit my entry – probably this is by design :slight_smile: )

Cheers, Tim.

yeah, the automated archive script never accounted for someone using a jar in a seperate folder (outside of the JNLP’s folder), so that’s what caused the error.

it is fixed now

and yes, your games become uneditable on purpose :slight_smile:

1 month tomorrow :slight_smile: