
I’m putting together a judging team, and I’m in the process of asking the same judging team of '08 competition to judge again.

I am also hoping to compete myself, so I won’t be judging. Hopefully nobody minds me competing? :persecutioncomplex:

If you believe you’re fit as a judge then contact me :slight_smile:


Chris Melissinos (ChrisM)
Chief Java Gaming officer at Sun Microsystems, host of the LevelUp shows.

Matt Hicks (darkfrog)
One of the developer working on the jME Engine (Java Monkey Engine).

Eli Delventhal (Demonpants)
Professional game developer with 9 years of game programming experience.

Jens Sigurdsson
Professional graphics expert, user interface designer and game enthusiast working on IPTV GUI systems at Iceland Telecom.

Mark DeLoura
Former head of Dev Relations at Sony and Nintendo, is the creator of the Game Programming Gems series of books and is an advisory board member of the Game Developers Conference.

I don’t mind having you as a participant. In fact, I encourage it! Your tank game was one of my absolute favorites last time you entered (2007, I believe?)

If you are in need of another judge, I’d forgo competing (although I’d still write an entry just for fun).

I’d say I’m decently qualified… I’ve been around the community for a while, I like to think I’m pretty helpful and knowledgeable. I’ve been making games for 9 years and games in Java for 5. I’ve been a professional game developer for 3 months. I’m 22 and I’ve got good English skills.

Erm. Yeah. So if you need another judge let me know.

Looks great! I think you’ll make a good judge.

However, since I’ve been away from the community for some time now, I’m really out of touch with who’s who and what :slight_smile: And since I will be participating myself, I will request that some other members in here vouch for the new judges to ensure that judges are not biased towards me.

I believe ChrisM and darkfrog need no vouching as they were judges in the previous competition.

I’d be happy with Demonpants. I’ll not be judging this year, I’m hoping to find time to enter.


Same here.

Also same here.

I’ve added Jens Sigurdsson as a judge.

He’s an expert designer working in my department at Iceland telecom.

He has shown interest in these games for some time now, but he’s not a programmer.

I think it might be good to have a bit mixed judging team.

Yeah that’s certainly a good idea. People from JGO will probably spend more time being impressed with technical accomplishment, while non-programmers will probably be looking more for a fun/pretty game, which should probably give everyone a more balanced chance to excel.

ChrisM was nice enough to ask one of his friend to join the judging panel.

The new judge is Mark DeLoura.

He is the former head of Dev Relations at Sony and Nintendo, is the creator of the Game Programming Gems series of books and is an advisory board member of the Game Developers Conference.

Nice to have someone with his background on the judging panel! Let’s not disappoint him! :slight_smile:

The panel is now fully manned!

Yeah! Mark is absolutely fantastic and we are lucky to have him judge this year. Hmmm…perhaps I should talk to him about a 4K game entry into the IGF. Or, perhaps we do a 4K wall of games at JavaOne this year…

as a suggestion why don’t we open also for public vote. We could have 2 judgments, one public and one private. If the winners are different we could start a new judgment

I think that makes sense. There could be a vote like in Ludum Dare where all the different game authors can vote on each other, and then the other will be determined by the judges as usual. Could be pretty interesting to do it that way.

Guys, just to recap my idea about having also a public voting… you could add a rating option in java4k.com site.

I agree - I think it could help raise more public interest.

I’ve thought about user generated reviewing/rating. I’d appreciate ideas about how this could be implemented without trivializing the judging process.

Also. I wanted to notify everyone in here that I’m enlisting as a judge. I was originally going to stay out of judging this year, as I was going to submit games, but since I didn’t then I’d like to judge. In any case I have a gut feeling that we’ll need a backup judge for the competition. If nobody objects to this I’ll consider it as OK.

Maybe just keep them separate. So there is a winner by judges (which is the real winner), but also and a winner by user ratings.

Users can already leave feedback on the games on this Forum or on your Java4K site, however, a system where a user could give it a score from 1 to 10 or something like that would be nice, just like you can with youtube videos.

Cool! Disappointed we didn’t get to see your game(s), but you’ll redeem yourself by being a judge! :slight_smile:

I’m fine with appel being a judge. :slight_smile:

The only way to make user ratings useful is to somehow make them play and rate every game. The last time user ratings were used to determine the winner most users only played the first 10 or 20 games from the alphabetical list. My game started with a “T” so it got only a couple of plays from the all the user jusdges. That is why I am against community voting because most users have trouble getting through all the games. I know I had trouble the year they did user votes.

That’s exactly one of the reason I haven’t implemented community/user voting. I can remember how disappointed I was with the results (2007 I believe), because half the games got 0 score, and no reason was given. With the judging process all games get a fair shake, all games get a review by multiple judges, all games get played, and all games get a score. With user voting what will stop a user from simply voting for 2-3 games and ignore the rest?

If we were to add the option of user voting then that option would simply supplement the judging process, never substitute it.