Judges Java Versions?

Could I ask what Java version the judges are using (1.5 or 1.6)?

  • Arni Arent (appel)
  • Kevin Glass (kevglass)
  • Eli Delventhal (Demonpants)

I know the rules say it needs to run on Java 1.5. Problem is, my entry so far, runs really slowly on Java 1.5, so you’d need a fairly high spec PC to make it playable (Ref: http://craig.dlinkddns.com/DestructionDerby4K/).


Cool game.

I didn’t realize that 1.6 offered significant performance improvements with graphics. What specifically was sped up? Rotation?

Thanks, not really a game yet, only just started. 8) Lots of the graphics functions were sped up in 1.6, however, yes, bitmap rotation seemed to get the biggest boost (it’s the biggest speed killer in 1.5 for me).

Very smooth here (1.6), however don’t forget there will be community voting this year (I think!). 1.5 users may not be too kind to you…

I recently wrote a small game that uses a lot of sprite rotation:


It seems to run at the same speed in 1.5 and 1.6. Perhaps the problem only shows up if you try to rotate larger sprites though.

I’m running 1.5.

There have been a few racing games in the past with rotating views. See how they do it.



Yep, that was my entry last year. ;D I wasted a lot of bytes coping my large bitmap into a smaller bitmap before doing a rotation - and even then it still didn’t run all that great on Java 1.5. Do you think it’s about time to upgrade from 1.5, after all, it has even been end of lifed by Sun :wink: Ref: http://java.sun.com/products/archive/eol.policy.html

Not sure if my opinion matters, but I also vote for Java 6.0 (1.6.0).

Everyone has Java 6.0, and it just complicates things if we have to install the 1.5.0, and configure it for browser plugins etc.

On the other hand, some old Mac computers might not be able to install Java 6.0. But I think this isn’t a problem for them as they can just develop and test with Java 5.0, and their applets should run on 6.0 no problem.

I have 1.6 but since the contest has a target of 1.5 I thought I should judge using 1.5?

Wouldn’t it be cheating to use 1.6 features since it has to run on 1.5 too?


With the current rules, yes, it would be cheating. I think we are now talking about modifying the rules to allow Java 6.0.

I don’t think it makes a big difference (if any), it would be just easier for everyone to develop, to test, and in many cases the applets will run faster.

[quote]Wouldn’t it be cheating to use 1.6 features since it has to run on 1.5 too?
Well you could still use 1.6 features and still get the game working for 1.5 too ::slight_smile:

I think java4k.com should check its traffic and see if theres a large percent of Java 5 that go there.

If its low then personally I think its really a waste of time to enforce Java 5. If its still greater then 5% then maybe…

It’s about backwards compatibility.

If users have 1.6, then the games will run faster for them. If they have 1.5, they still can play the games.

Don’t MacOSX users have 1.5?

I don’t have a MAC, but one of my Java program is used by OS-X users too. They say that today’s MAC has Java 6.0, “old” MACs has only Java 5.0.

  1. The rules have been set and the contest has been started. Changing the rules now seems unfair to me.

  2. Staistics on Java versions are available:


Minimum is about 15% loss of users. Significant to me.
