JSR202 has finally come to fruition


YAY! I don’t know much about it but when I read “The new verifier does not allow instructions jsr and ret. These instructions are used to make subroutines for generating try/finally blocks. Instead the compiler will inline subroutine code which means the byte code in subroutines will be inserted in places where the subroutines are called. As a consequence, the compiler will sometimes generate more byte codes than with jsr/ret. Since the class file format limits the size of methods, some degenerated methods with excessively large or nested finally blocks might exhaust this limit and fail to compile.”, I started to wonder why Sun hadn’t increased the class file limit or eliminated it alltogether?

I realise Mustang is BETA software but I hope Sun know about this issue.

Maybe it’s just a corollary to your sig:

Hehehe :slight_smile:

That doesn’t really apply as it is invariably auto generated code that breaks such limits.