JSR-231 expert group relationship with the OpenGL ARB

I was reading the new OpenGL newsletter on the superbuffer group’s work on a new OpenGL object model (OpenGL 3?)

I was wondering if the JSR-231 expert group had any visibility into the OpenGL ARB and could offer guidance that would ease and improve a future Java OpenGL binding for the new object model.

Travis Bryson, who is the JSR-231 expert group lead, is on the ARB and follows the discussions. I happen to also be on a couple of the ARB email aliases and have been watching some of the discussion go by, though admittedly not very closely. At this point I don’t think the new object model being discussed has much bearing on any future Java binding; my understanding is that the mutable and immutable state of various existing kinds of OpenGL objects (like texture objects) is being separated and clarified.

There are certainly OpenGL bindings for other languages (Haskell comes to mind) which take a much more object-oriented approach to the binding than JOGL does. However, we have chosen to largely bind the C APIs with no modification to make it easier to move from programming OpenGL in C/C++ to Java.