JSR 184 Max 7 M3G Exporter

We are currently using the Digital Elements M3G exporter that comes Free with Max 7.

The problem is that the exported geometry is being broken into triangle strips of just a single triangle each.

I have yet to benchmark this, but I’m quite certain this will be considerably slower.

I am aware of the Pro. version of the exporter, and was hoping some1 here would be able to confirm that the pro version does indeed generate optimised geometry?

Alternatively, is this a modelling issue?
Does the original model need to be constructed from triangle strips, for the exporter to be to output it as such?

After a quick benchmark, it turns out the performance (speed) benefit of having efficiently structured TriangleStripArray’s is negligable/non-existant.

However, there is a memory cost. - single triangle TriangleStripArrays use roughly 10% more memory - therefor, the problem still requires a solution.