Joystick Axis Value Not Read by JInput Until It Is Moved At Least Once!?

Hi guys,

Hope someone can help me out here…

I’m using a joystick to read the user input. The code looks something like this:

myValue = myJoystick.getAxisValue(0); //Where 0 is the axis id of the analog stick

The problem is, by default, “myValue” is always equals to “-1”.

It is only when I move the stick AT LEAST ONCE will “myValue” reflect the true value of the controller axis.

Can anyone please tell me how I could get “myValue” to reflect the true axis value right from the start?

Thanks very much guys. Greatly appreciate your help!


I use the Controller class from “org.lwjgl.input.Controller”


You could try searching the forums, here is my response from where it has been reported before.
