[Journal] Cat On A Wire

Nowt more than a name and an idea right now, but here’s a quick mockup of how it should look:


‘Bending’ is a fiendishly hard theme I think, there’s a couple of obvious ideas that it’s very hard to avoid doing.

Great Idea. Bended lines!

Looking forward to play!

Best regards from


Walkable surfaces and walls:


Not shown: really, really floaty jumping (erk, gotta tweek that) and camera following.

Everyone loves a bit of verlet:


Not shown: the mountains of caffeine I’m consuming right about now…



Not entirely happy with their movement, but it’ll do for now.

Not shown: my intense disappointment that there’s not more compo journals going on.

I hate hate hate working on menu/gui stuff, but it’s got to be done so I figure I’ll do it now rather than last minute.


Not shown: some initial artwork which looks great but doesn’t piece together properly yet.

The very first graphic makes sense to me, but the physics/architect style lines in the others looks really quite complicated!

It’s funny seeing the testing stages on these projects and seeing how much thinking goes into the design (and physics), and how much it’s covered up once the game is released. I can’t wait to se the finished product, this looks very promising!

Getting there with some proper art…


Not shown: the absolute mess of code that makes this possible…


  • most of the menu logic
  • some menu graphics
  • more level graphics
  • parallax scroll for bg layer
  • cat sprites + animation
  • bird sprites + animation
  • particle poof when killing a bird


  • fix movement
  • tweek movement constants
  • proper levels
  • code to allow for multiple levels
  • logic so that birds can sit on wires
  • fix wire slack logic
  • wire boiiiing movement
  • sound effects

Summary: eep.

your sprites suck.



  • sound effects
  • tweeked movement constants for snappier movement
  • birds now perch on wires

The artwork looks great and I like the 2d wireframe model concept that underlies it. Looking forward to this one :wink:

Cheers. :slight_smile: Done all of the physics and gameplay tweeks now, so I just have to actually make some levels (ick) and add the final bit of polish.

Hello Javagaming.org

I am Chris Cheetham aka CherrySlug (<–psn i.d if your wondering) and I’m responsible for the artwork featured in “Cat on a Wire”, for more samples of my work please visit my website @ http://www.ChrisCheetham.co.uk/ and hit me up on twitter if you roll that way. Journals are always a funny thing, like any forum post im never truly sure what to write. However due to the fact me and mr tang have never met in person and we work exclusively over instant messenger I am able to present you with…


This transcript covers the entire production of cat on a wire from concept to completion over the 48 sum hours that we worked together on it, its complete with time stamps color variants for ease of reading. I just figured this would be nicer than writing out some wet journal post, and it should provide a little insight into what cross country development is like. Cheers


You produced some fantastic art, especially for such a compressed time schedule. Great work Chris.

@CherrySlug Cardiff, Wales heh? Where abouts? I live just outside newport on the Cardiff side.


That’s a cool transcript, guys. I had fun reading (some of) it.

[quote]@CherrySlug Cardiff, Wales heh? Where abouts? I live just outside newport on the Cardiff side.

Penarth At the mo, very familiar with the newport scene aka zooport :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: