JOGL2 - a problem with the project template

I decided to update JOGL2 to the newest version which is jogl-b434-2011-08-24 ( Now I’m using an older version jogl-b391-2011-05-17. I noticed that after jogl-b419-2011-08-04 some changes were introduced, for example other jar nad dll files. I have a problem with my project template becasue the newest release doesn’t contain glugen-rt.dll and it seems to be necessary here:

GLProfile profile = GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL3);

What should I do ?


Why don’t you use gluegen-rt.dll from the GlueGen project? GlueGen is used by JOGL, JOAL and JOCL, shipping it separately is a good decision.

You can find GlueGen there, the DLL is in the 7z archive: