
See this thread on jME boards.

Any progress? I still see 0.9 … but 0.12 is scheduled for JOGL. Extrapolating from the current pace, it won’t happen during my lifetime :frowning:

As you can read in that linked thread there already is a community binding - so no need to wait until it’s officially supported if you really need it. There will be .10 the next couple of days. But we are about to change the release plan entirely. If you think JOGL support is an important thing, consider posting why on the jME boards to assure it does not get dropped…

Why do people need JOGL if it’s using LWJGL?

I mean, isn’t the purpose to use OpenGL, and both do it just as well?

In former times (and I don’t know wether it still holds today), using LWJGL means not using AWT/Swing. This always has been a KO for my project FlyingGuns.

LWJGL supports an AWTGLCanvas now.
However LWJGL has never been about avoiding awt/swing. We avoided using many of the things because it caused a hole slew of dependencies.
As you can see from kevins he can natively compile his game because we are not dependent on awt/swing (he had to remove some stuff that we do have that rely on awt/swing but isn’t critical tho).