
I finished the jogl renderer I was working on for jme. I should be able to post it when the form is back up.

could you perhaps upload a test somewhere? Or even the source to a zip location?


Excellent News tho! Great Job! I’m really looking forward to getting back to JME stuff (after this, and this, and this).

A JOGL renderer just makes it that much more attractive.


Hear is the code, you will need the libs for jogl and the ones form jinput on Please note that I used the libs that still use the name Axes. If you want to use the new libs then you will need to change the word Axes to whatever they changed it to. I needed to make some changes to the interface to get this working and will explain it when I have the time. By the way render to texture and shaders are not supported.

All features except for headlessrendering, Render to Texture and shaders are not supported. JOGL requires that all calls to gl must be made inside a callback, to do this i needed to move some code threw the display system. The only notable change is that users can not initiate the input system in initSystem() and intGame() is now public.

I am going to need to know if this is ready to be added into jme and, if not, what modifications are needed.

mojo I need to know what you think.

By the way the comments are not yet finished, I will do them right before it is time to add the jogl code into the cvs

Badmi, you know we are working on 0.9 where no new features will be added, but the project will be cleaned, and organized. Including a formal schedule and features road map. Nothing new will be added to jME until this is done. Adding to it all the server issues, means it will be awhile. Once 0.9 is there, and the feature list is out, we will have to see where it lies on the schedule and worry about implementing it in at that time.

Just remember that if you ever want to implement jogl you are going to need to modify the core similar to the way I did and you should ceap that in mined when redesigning jme.