Jogl/Webstart - Simple Demo _ jnlp-init-generate-master problem


i have a “i hope” simple question.

i try to put the “simple” demo (white box on black background) from the netbeans jogl examples
and try to make it webstartable

in the propertys i eneable webstart
and when start/compile i got the following message:

[quote]C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\1\Eigene Dateien\NetBeansProjects\web_simple\nbproject\build-jogl-template-impl.xml:74:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
Target “jnlp-init-generate-master” does not exist in the project “web_simple”.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 seconds)
the demo itself is working when starting direct.

what is missing and how can i work on this error? what is todo?

much thx for answers :slight_smile:


much thanks (all works fine now)