on some client computers, gl.isExtensionAvailable( “GL_VERSION_1_3” ); returns false when the applet and the GLCanvas is created outside the browsers viewport, i.e. when the user has scrolled down the page and the applet is created on the top of the page. If the applet is visible during the initialization, the method returns true. This happens on one test computer here at the office, tested with ie6 and firefox, java 1.5 and java1.6, GeForce 6600 LE latest drivers, but also on a few beta testers computers.
If using GLJPanel instead of a GLCanvas, we have seen random browser freeze when the user is navigating from the page containing the applet. In Opera, if the computer has an ATI-graphics card, a hard crash happens every time the user navigates from the page and a hs_err_pid log file is created. I’m attaching the log-file.
Any help is welcome