I’m wondering if there are any plans (or an existing way) to access/expose the NVIDIA GPU affinity API (see http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/NV/gpu_affinity.txt).
We’re using shaders (via JOGL) to do server side computation and we have acquired some Tesla boards to test / muck around with. The only problem is that there are no monitor outputs on those boards. This means that on our developer workstations, we have to use a second GPU for display/debugging purposes, but we can’t choose which GPU OpenGL will use. OpenGL is (obviously) selecting the wrong GPU.
If there are no plans to do this in the near future (…I know, it’s a vendor specific interface…), we could possibly do it ourselves and submit a patch (if there is any interest). It’s not high priority for us or anything, it would just be nice to have.