jogl cameras


I’m not happy with the rotation control that I get from using an arcball implementation that took me quite a bit of time to develop.

So I’m wondering if anyone knows of other completed cameras using jogl that would provide better camera control, zooms, panning, etc… good for viewing models.

Maybe there is something wrong because of gimbal lock.

I find that the easiest camera control to get good is to just support a rotation around X followed by a rotation around Y; this gives you pitch and yaw. For a model viewer camera, you have a distance from origin as well. Something like this might work:

public class ArcBallCamera {
  float pitch;
  float yaw;
  float distance = 40.0f;
  public void update(float dx, float dy) {
    yaw += dx;
    pitch += dy;
    if (pitch > 80.f) pitch = 80.f;
    if (pitch < -80.f) pitch = -80.f;
    yaw = (float) Math.mod(yaw, 360.f);
  public void setDistance(float d) {
    distance = d;
  public void loadCameraMatrix(GL gl) {
    gl.glRotatef(yaw, 0, 1, 0);
    gl.glRotatef(pitch, 1, 0, 0);
    gl.glTranslatef(0, 0, -distance);

You call update() with dx and dy from mouse movement. You call loadCameraMatrix() to load the camera matrix into the MODELVIEW matrix.