JOGL Based 3D Engine

Hi Everyone,

Ive been pretty quiet on this board so far… But i wished to announce my intention to create a JOGL based 3D engine.

I dont expect this to be a quick venture to write… nor perfect the first time… But i will post updates and provide links to demos using the engine as I go.

My congrats to puppygames you did an awesome job showing us all that java gaming is finally here. Now its time to try and see have far we can take it.

Jamie M. Guillemette aka ShadowLight

Do you mean like a quake-type 3d engine or what?

I whish you best of luck!
// Gregof

[quote]Do you mean like a quake-type 3d engine or what?
Yes that would be a similar comparison… only i hope to make it a bit more flexiable so that it can be used for multiple types of games.

Oh no - don’t do that!!!

The Quake engine is successful bc. it is highly specialized!!

For the general ones, the evolving scenegraph efforts are promising enough. Better then help there instead of starting from scratch.

Im more concerned about learning the little intracacies involved that turning out a final product… :slight_smile:

My first 3d game will probably be a space related one… it involves the least about of work… but still intails some important concept… ie physics, colision detection ect… but not to the same degree that a maze shooter would.

Scenegraphs are perfect for space games!!

Actual let me change my tone… if i write an engine which i believe i can… and i were to make it specialize what would the gernal population like it to be be ?

-maze shooter (quake/doom )
-something else ?

Terrain renderer! =D

Then we can exchange ideas.


Yes, terrain renderers are extremely important for space games…


points at the post three posts up

I really think you should focus on a space game/engine as it seems to be what YOU want to do. Don’t worry about how much use the community will get out of it. You seem to be interested in space shooters, so stick with that. Otherwise, if you build an engine that someone else wants it becomes work. And trust me, if you make a space engine that works well, and is extensible plenty of people will want to use it.

hey all… for those of you who have been participating in this discussion check out the thread called file formats … its a continuation of my engine building…
