Before complaining, I want to say that the JOGL applet launcher is great, just what I’ve been waiting for.
Startup and normal use work great for me… I’ve even had multiple instances running on a page.
However, I can routinely get Safari (on Mac OS X 10.4.8 ) to crash when I browse away from my JOGL applet. I get Mac OS X crash report dialog, and each time I’ve looked there’s a thread crashed doing JOGL rendering:
Thread 23 Crashed:
0 <<00000000>> 0x0188cc63 0 + 25742435
1 libGL.dylib 0x92b0d5fc glVertex3d + 139
2 libjogl.jnilib 0x27c65657 Java_com_sun_opengl_impl_GLImpl_glVertex3d__DDD + 79
I’m using an Animator, but the Applet.stop() method calls the Animator.stop() method.
Is there more I need to do to cleanly destore the applet? Or safely finish the last display() call?
Thank you,
Scott Vorthmann