JOGL applet - problem with glActiveTexture

Hi All :slight_smile:

I’m currently working on applet whose content uses JOGL. It seems to work fine, but if I open the applet in different tab (within a single browser window), it would throw an exception Method "glActiveTexture" not available
	at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLImpl.glActiveTexture(

but if I open the applets in different window, (so far) it can run just fine.
I think most probably it’s related to JVM instancing?

has anyone encountered this or have any suggestion?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

What web browser, operating system, and JDK version are you using?

What happens if you do the same thing with the simple JOGL Gears applet test? Do you get a similar kind of error?

Can you boil this down into a small and self-contained test case? If so can you please file a bug report with the JOGL Issue Tracker? You’ll need to be an Observer of the project in order to do this.

Hi Ken,

No, it’s not a JOGL problem/bug. Apparently it has something to do with the openGL wrapper code we’re using and since we’re using statics in the code, that is most probably the cause of error :-\