I have an applet which uses JOGL and I keep getting this error.
at com.sun.opengl.util.JOGLAppletLauncher.start(JOGLAppletLauncher.java:394)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:418)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
My html file is as in the examples…
<title> Dance Simulation </title>
<applet code="com.sun.opengl.util.JOGLAppletLauncher"
<param name="subapplet.classname" VALUE="Dancer">
<param name="subapplet.displayname" VALUE="Dancer Applet">
<param name="progressbar" value="true">
<param name="cache_archive" VALUE="jogl.jar,gluegen-rt.jar,dancer.jar">
<param name="cache_archive_ex" VALUE="jogl.jar;preload,gluegen-rt.jar;preload,dancer.jar;preload">
I think I have properly signed jars, but I’m not sure I am creating “dancer.jar” as supposed to be. Can it be the cause of my problem? If this is the case, how should I create the jar?
Can anybody help me in this issue?