Hello guys,
I have little-to-no knowledge about pixel shaders. All I know is, that they are small programs that run through your image(buffer?) and modify your pixels.
I know you can get some real nice full-screen effects this way, and I would really like to implement it in my small java game demo.
It seems my intel graphics card is not built for pixelshaders, so I was wondering if it’s possible to create a software pixelshader, and still get at least 30 fps.
I know the zsnes emulator(I hope to god you are familiar with this) uses some kind of software-rendering to create a nice (compatible!) fullscreen shader. It works flawlessly on the zsnes, but I want to grasp this technology and use it on my game.
If anyone can point me in the way of anything that would work with java and JOGL, I would be very happy.
It doesn’t really matter what kind of shader, I’m just looking to get rid of small jaggies in my game. Also, the smoothline stuff, and smoothpolygons in JOGL seems to be a hassle, it looks awful on my machine(at least from what I have made so far) and it runs even worse. So I can’t use those approaches.
Fullscreen software shaders is what I need.
Thanks in advance