:’( Alright so in my game I am drawing menus using the Graphics class and grabbing them with the BufferedImage class then applying them to be textures for planes on my screen.
No big deal they work wonderfully in my Init() method. Cool beans.
Now if “mid-game” I need to alter a menu I would presume I can draw and load another texture to the same object to change it. Good idea in concept, however, it isn’t turning out that easy for me. So for some reason the BufferedImage class is reading from another one of my textures or perhaps my JOGL rendered scene(in a strange way though), and not the image I am trying to create behind the scene of JOGL.
Don’t understand? watch this SMALL audioless video clip of my work in progress…
Someone on Gamedev.net said I need to make my Context Current. Does this mean make the Context current to my Menu class? What does a JOGL context have to do with BufferedImages and Graphics classes? Is there any feasible way to accomplish what I need done? Any advice/tips/ideas would be so incredible right now!
(And yes I’ve been googling for 48 hours)