JOAL or not?


I’m looking for a nice sound library for 2D and 3D sound, naturally i tought of JOAL. I’ve seen talk about JOAL being dead.

Is it on hold or are there some new fancy sound library that eventually will take over?

JOAL is more than enough for my needs so I will most likley go with it.

But will there be any updates on JOAL in the future?

you could have a look at LWJGL it fully supports OpenAL and is regularly updated.

Also lwjgl uses Soft OpenAL. That is its a 100% software bridge to the hardware and its maintained. So you don’t need the hardware to support OpenAL at all. Also its a nice api for sound, generally much nicer than java sound.

I should add that i don’t know what JOAL uses for the openAL backend. But the openAL api is the same in both cases. However i still would recommend lwjgl as its getting a lot more dev attention currently.