JOAL Linux & OSX Porting Assistance Needed!

I’m currently looking for volunteers interested in helping to port the native code for joal to Linux and OSX. Some of this work has already been done in the source code, so what remains to be done is to verify and update extal.c to ensure that it will in fact compile correctly on the various platforms and then create the appropriate compile targets in the build.xml.

I will personally buy several drinks for the man or woman who takes on all or part of this task.

Any volunteers?

Free drinks… man that’s tempting. I’m unfortunately over-committed at the moment. The good news is that I can’t touch JOGL because I need to install the Developer Preview tomorrow. The bad news is that I have a commitment to get JInput up to speed in OSX for LWJGL and that is proving to be a chore.

I tackled it yesterday after work. It compiles with Linux and builds a shared library, but it does not run the tests yet. There is a NullPointerException thrown in the initialization. I was too tired to investigate further. Maybe tonight.

Ok, that was easy. It compiles with Linux and runs the tests.
Well, nearly, one of the 81 unit test cases failes.
Have the drinks ready! :slight_smile:

I will contact you by mail, Athomas.

Thanks for the hard work! How soon until we can have the linux build?

It’s in the CVS. Just check it out with linux and type ant.

I have been waiting for someone else (from the website) to provide binaries, but since I am now a developer for
this project I can build some if there is need.