
First submision for me this year.

This is a litle something i did this summer, when i was isolated from the internet and only with a low-end laptop with me. I spent most of the time i should had spet studying playing with the games that kde has on the default kdegames package, and specially with knetwalk until i got bored of it, and decided to go for my own implementation of the tubes game: JNetWalk 4k which is very similar to knetwalk but in this game, you have an anoying time limit :slight_smile:

It needs lots of polishing, but i’ve been quite busy lately, so it’ll have to wait or remain as it is now

[edit]Changed link to javaunlimited[/edit]

Hello F.L.X

Very well done! Oh Please, please make an option to turn off that anoying time limit :wink: I want to solve a harder level with as few moves as possible :slight_smile:

Are you rotating images and draw others on top, or are you drawing each tile in code?

Best regards from


Thanks for trying!

Time limits need to be adjusted, they are harder than i expected ::slight_smile: anyway i’ll try to squeeze some bytes to add a time switch.

“Wire” images are generated once and rotated every time the tile changes, “terminals” and “server” images are generated each time they are drawn, but i use dirty tiles technique, so i only redraw the tile that is rotating when a tile is rotating.

here is the source but i advise you that it’s a complete mess


But could you use mouse down instead of mouse clicked? For a clicked event to be triggered the mouse must be pressed and released on the very same pixel.

Time is short and it’s not showed anywhere. Nice entry.

Very nice! I’ve yet to give it further testing (as it is quite late here), but it’s looking impressive! Looking forwards to trying it out more thoroughly. :smiley:

thanks for all your coments ;D

time is shown in a bar over the board, just under the “java aplication window” thing… i should sing the jar

in the meantime, to remove that anoying notification execute javaws without arguments, edit->preferencia->advanced->security->(something about showing protected zone indicator)

very nice game! although, I agree with the other posters, the time limit is really annoying! just count the number of moves you do…

Nice little puzzle game. I agree with removing the time limit and counting the moves though. It’s a bit annoying getting a timeout just before you click the last computer on…

Cas :slight_smile:

Stupid question. What do you have to do?

Left/rightclick on those thingies to rotate em. The goal is to connect all PCs with the server.

Ok. That’s what I thought. It just seemed like there were some that were impossible to do that.

I have raised a litle the time limit, big map should be no longer impossible.

It can be very dificult sometimes, but every screen has a solution. The game generates the map solved and then shuffles it.

I’m not having losts of time now, but i will soon, so every sugestion is beeing heard even if i don’t apply them inmediatly :slight_smile:

There should be an “End-Score” and maybe an “You reached Level X” ;D

Nice game, I like puzzlers. Definitely hard enough :stuck_out_tongue:

One board I got had just one server and one client. Nothing happened when they were connected ??? Happened after I successfully solved previous map, not sure if that is related.

I agree with all of the above, this is a really good game. Comments:

  1. time limit - would much rather see a move count. If the time limit stays it needs to be much longer in the beginning (e.g. on easy boards, give a new player a chance to figure out what’s going on before the game is suddenly over).

  2. board generation - I’ve gotten several hard boards that have maybe 2 clients, and maybe 20 squares with tubes. Might want to check to make sure 90% (or whatever) of the board is covered, else regenerate the level?

  3. Sometimes the game declares you the winner before the piece has finished rotating or the tubes are all filled in. Also it’d be nice to be able to move the dialog and see the completed board.

Very good job. It’s gonna be hard for my entries to compete (time to start re-thinking what I’m going to do…).

Thank you all for the feedbak, it’s really apreciated :smiley: .

I’ve removed the time limit for the first level of each map size, as a training level.

that’s really weird, it has happened to me that not every tile is filled, but i’ve never had only two tiles :-\

I’ve been thinking on doing something like that, but i need to squeeze some more bytes to check and it will take linger to generate a board.

I’ll try that, i’ve been toying with the idea of replacing the dialogs with drawn text, i’ll see which one is smallest :slight_smile:

So better scoring system and map generation to come.

I’m willing to wait a little longer to get a board that is the appropriate difficulty. Boards seem to generate pretty quickly as it is, I doubt an extra iteration or two of the generation algorithm would be significant.

Tried a “Hard” level, lit up all the screens but nothing happened! ???

Currently, you have to use all the cables to win, i’ll set it to chech only the screens if it makes more sense, but on the original it is so.