jME 0.5

Not really a game per se, but just thought people might be interested in taking a look at jME. It’s come a long way and 0.5 was just released.

The main page is at and there is now a page of webstarted demos at

The webstart links only support Windows right now, but later today we hope to get the Linux and Mac links in.

ok, we got webstart going for Linux and Macs. Need someone to test though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Webstart doesn’t seem to want to start with Safari, but Internet Explorer on Mac handles it fine. Anyone know why?

EDIT: Seems there is an issue on the Mac, textures aren’t loaded so objects just appear black. For example, if you run the MD2 test, you’ll just see a black outline of the model animating. Investigating.

Safari may be configured not to open ‘safe’ files after they are downloaded. I turn that option off so it doesn’t extract every archive I download for example. Mac users are weird that way… they half expect your application to be fully installed if you simply clicked the link in a browser.