Hey Guys,
Youve gotten ahead of us with the dist stuff.
We are working on an automated nightly build as
well as controlled release builds. They will appear on
web pages all their own.
I appreciate your enthusiasm but I kinda need to leave the build target directories as they were as thats a standard that was agreed on for all the “core” APIs and i don’t want to get out of synch with them. Also, the folks working behind the scenes on things like the automated build systems expect this uniformity.
Can you make sure that what is built ends up in bin and lib? If you want to add a dist and ANT task for local builds thats fine but having those built copies in the soruce CVS is likely to cause some real confusion.
Also, although we’re running things pretty loosely I’d really appreciate it if you got my check-off as project manager before changing fundemental things like the build scripts.
(If someone else would like to take over project management, we can talk about that, as its not like I don’t have lots else to do.)