JIGL example

Today I uploaded an example applet and documentation for the Java Interface to OpenGL (JIGL):

I fixed a problem in the demo where jogl.jar was still signed. This was causing it to present a security certificate on machines where it had not been approved before. When I unsigned it, I discovered I also needed a wrapper interface and a pure Java implementation for class GLU.

It is now fixed and unsigned. You can verify by flushing your cache of approved security certificates and then testing. I also updated the documentation and created a file release.

Nice work. Pity I know nothing about JOGL.

Just out of interest, in software mode does JIGL/jGL use Java2D under the bonnet? I couldn’t find out from the jGL site (http://www.cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~robin/JavaGL/)

Nice demo. Have you thought about adding an FPS counter to your example applet? It would be handy, so would a Web Start JOGL version so we could compare JIGL’s software mode to accelerated JOGL mode performance.


I updated the demo just now to print the frame rate to System.out. Open your Java console while the applet is running to see the results:

I have the maximum loop rate set to 85 frames per second. I am getting that in the 600x400 applet in software rendering mode.

When I run the demo in resizable frames, for JOGL I get a frame rate equal to the monitor refresh rate of 60 Hz no matter how big the frame is, including full screen of 1600x900.
For jGL, the frame rate drops sharply from 85 to about 17 frames per second when I expand from small frame sizes to full screen.

I think for small frame sizes such as what would you would see in an applet embedded in a webpage, both JOGL and jGL can hit the desired frame rate. In full screen, however, JOGL continues to perform where jGL slows down.

I also note that in jGL, sometimes but not all of the time there seems to be a warmup period where the frame rate starts out slow and then increases. Perhaps this is due to the HotSpot compiler?