I’ve got my project at 80% dev’ stage that is now beta-testing. I’m currently completing the javaDoc for those interested guys that want a simple API for Java gaming. I’ve just reecntly released the RC2 of the JIGAXtended API which features the following functionalities, and I’d be glad if you try it :
- JAI/JIIO implementation for high-end 2D graphics
- JInput for gamepad and sticks support
- gathering the main gaming targeting components, there are :
- Sprites, that support both hardware and software graphics alg’s
- Animations, that extend Sprite-class and integrate a SoftCache
- Models and InteractiveModels, that integrate anther SoftCache to store Animations and Sprites
- Rendering Scene, that gets the best of all the Swing and AWT APIs to render graphics on Window and Full-screen
- Console, to make easy logging - coming up soon in 0.9, network multiplayer
you can download the whole API at http://sf.net/projects/sf3jswing