JIGAXtended API - Java2D and JInput gathered into one single library

I’ve got my project at 80% dev’ stage that is now beta-testing. I’m currently completing the javaDoc for those interested guys that want a simple API for Java gaming. I’ve just reecntly released the RC2 of the JIGAXtended API which features the following functionalities, and I’d be glad if you try it :

  • JAI/JIIO implementation for high-end 2D graphics
  • JInput for gamepad and sticks support
  • gathering the main gaming targeting components, there are :
    - Sprites, that support both hardware and software graphics alg’s
    - Animations, that extend Sprite-class and integrate a SoftCache
    - Models and InteractiveModels, that integrate anther SoftCache to store Animations and Sprites
    - Rendering Scene, that gets the best of all the Swing and AWT APIs to render graphics on Window and Full-screen
    - Console, to make easy logging
  • coming up soon in 0.9, network multiplayer

you can download the whole API at http://sf.net/projects/sf3jswing :smiley:

java docs 0.8 RC2 are out now for a public beta-test . enjoy !

Did you test it under Linux?

Unfortunately I’ve got no linux installed… would you like one Linux v.?

A Java library has no interest if it is not cross-platform. If it doesn’t work under Linux, it has nothing to do anywhere.

well, this is not quite the topic… ::slight_smile:

I don’t think so. If you program in Java in order to do platform-dependent code, you should better use another language. Java is cross-platform and has been made especially for this. It is not acceptable to promote a library that might not work in one of the main operating systems. I don’t have any Microsoft Windows at home but it doesn’t prevent me from trying to know if it works. I will test your library when I have some time.

Where is the Linux version? ???
I see this :
Select a specific platform? Windows, Mac OS
Is it a joke? Please tell me if a Linux version will be available one day. If it is not planned, please don’t indicate that your code is “OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)”, precise on this page that it is only available for Windows and Macintosh.

I tried to follow your links to get JAI + JIIO and I get only DLL for Windows