This is just a suggestion. I am looking for opinions.
Why not create a topic for translations? Some users here are from various countries and we could support each other, to reach more users (to play our games).
For example, I made android games. But I am Portuguese. I don’t know French or Italian. So my games only have English, Portuguese and Spanish.
If we create a topic to translate games and help each others, I can translate your games to Portuguese, and help translate them to Spanish.
This is useful to save money and reach more users and more market. This is not only for Android. Computer games too.
Please leave feedback.
Not to be rude, but isn’t Google Translate pretty good? Its a nice idea, but there are tons of translators out there, why rely on someone else when you can get a computer that doesn’t complain or require compensation to do it?
google translate is impressive but not even close to usable for serious translations, which includes game texts
I see! I’ve never used it extensively, so I guess I don’t have a say in this. My Spanish skills are also poor, so no help from me Last Spanish class was two years ago and that stuff just flies right out when you’re not using it…
It sounds like a good idea, though I’m interested in what you’d be planning in regards to this.
Do you mean helping translate in terms of getting the word around to different sites, in-game translations, or a little bit of both? I can see the potential for it, I just don’t know exactly how it’d work. I can imagine a bunch of threads saying “translate my game to ______” with little to no responses for each. It could be a very good thing if the intentions are right though, I don’t know…
I support it, as long as it has a solid plan on how translations would work.
Me no hablo Español.
(That’s about all I can remember in Spanish)
Its embarrassing for me considering I took Spanish from 7th grade - 10th grade and doubled up on it some years… I think I took around 5 or 6 Spanish classes and now I don’t remember anything Although I do stress a lot less about school now
Spanish was always the class I didn’t ever want to be in!
It’s a good idea ! You have to list people how can translate from “lang_1” to “lang_2” and who wants to do it !
I also need someone to help me translating my post on JGO please ! ;D :point:
It could even be a seperate board worth…
Where people can post their textset and others can response it translated to other languages, beeing able to expect the same when they need it…
Translating everything in JGO doesn’t seem doable, maybe translating the contents of some sections is possible. I’m not a native speaker but I’m not sure this suggestion would attract a lot of Java developers. Most of the Java documentations are translated in a very few languages, tons of technical documents are only in English, I don’t say that it’s good but we need a common language to communicate together. I’m not sure that there are many developers able to read those documents in English but not able to read most of what we post on JGO and still interested in Java game programming.
You miss understood me, I think. Translate games, not this forum.
Thanks for all your feedback. We can create a list of members to translate x to y language.
To be fair, we can give feedback (some thread with the number of translations users made). This would avoid users that just want translations for their game, but don’t want to help others.
There are 4 main languages to “expand” your game to the world. At least for me, in my Android developing experience.
Check this table:
English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
Edit: Arabic and Russian too.
I can translate to Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil) and I can translate to Spanish (words and simple phrases).
Right now, I need help to translate my Android Dominoes game to French and more languages if some users here want to help. (and my English is not so good, if someone could revise my words would be nice).
My idea was to make this free. But if some user needs one translation, he must help translate other games too, to be fair. Also, in my game, I will give credits to translators.
Again, give feedback and more suggestions. Please make this happen.
Automatic translation is a joke. Not as bad a joke as a few years ago…but the quality is still terrible.
Automatic? What do you mean? He is talking about a translation exchange from people.
google translate (et al) was mentioned earlier
Much earlier, but you are right. Translator software (at least gt) is still far away from beeing usable for these purposes.
How many users are available to start translate games?
I can create one thread to write all names.
Something like this:
name: ricardo
from: English
to: Portuguese
translations made: 0
requests made: 0
name: user2
from: …
to: …
translations made: 0
requests made: 0
I can translate English to Italian for the most part…
Same but German…
Just for form sake. Just because you speak (even fluently) more than one language doesn’t mean you can do a good (or even reasonable) translation.