JGO 3D Android Live Wallpaper

Just sharing something for fun to showoff to your friends how you love jgo


Didn’t add more fx for battery reasons.



Thanks for sharing! :smiley:

I’ll start working on a desktop version :point:

Cool looking forward to it.

Btw, I prototyped this on the pc first using lwjgl.

Awww yeah it looks nice on my phone. But it slows down everything on my shitty Samsung Infuse so I won’t use it :’(

Speaking of wallpapers in general, I made this thing in 5 seconds:

(Click to view full-sized image) 8)


Here’s what the wallpaper looks like on an actual desktop:


My main test device is a samsung galaxy s. I also tested this on an lg e400 800mhz and a cheap china mid 400mhz. The lg runs it fullspeed while the mid has 30fps. :(.

What are the specs of your phone?

Specs listed here: http://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/cell-phones/SGH-I997ZKAATT-specs

The CPU is a 1.2GHz single core Samsung C110 with 512MB of RAM :confused: