The influx of games submitted to the Java Games Factory (see link below in my sig) is getting problematic (i.e. more than I can cope with without long delays). A lot of the submissions haven’t been tried in public before, and in order to keep quality high we need to test each one on each of the major platforms (somethnig that the authors are often unable to do themselves for obvious reasons!) - this is also something we’re not doing well at the moment, since no-one with OS X has been involved.
As well as basic testing to ensure that we don’t add a game that in practice is windows-only, at the moment we provide detailed feedback on any obvious bugs and problems in a game. Often there are one or more issues that mean it’s worth trying to get the author to fix them BEFORE we put them up on JGF because otherwise a large number of players will try the game once, get pissed off, and not try it again. Examples include:
- framerate of one frame every 20 seconds (!)
- non-standard keys (e.g. not using cursor keys and not telling the player what the keys actually are)
- fatal crash whenever attempting to play sound effects
- …etc
So…I’d like to get together a small number of “pre-release testers” who would play each game that was submitted BEFORE it appeared on the live site. To keep things fast, I want to just alert all the testers, who then have 24 hours to try it out and send me a response. After 24 hours, if there are no serious problems, and it’s been tested by at least 3 different people, it can go on the site. If there are serious problems, we’d carry on testing until the game was in a basic working state for all testers.
At the moment, this is simply done by email, because each submission comes in by email anyway. The next version of JGF (currently in development) will do this online via the website - testers will be members of a special group that gives them access to view and comment on games that are “under review”.
So…please could you send me an email (ceo @ with the following info:
- OS, RAM, CPU (plus any other OS’s you will definitely be bothered to test on!)
Note: you need to have a decent amount of free time. Basically, if it always takes you 5 days to have the time to test these games, there’s no point: the point of this is to help developers by getting their games reviewed much more quikcly.
Also note that you are NOT expected to write game-reviews. You’re just running the game, and responding with “yeah, works for me”, or “it started OK, then it kept crashing at the start game menu”, or something like that. Just basic “I spent 5 minutes trying the game” feedback…