JGF - Java Game Framework


I would like to share a project I have been working on, and maybe get some feedback.

JGF is a game development framework for Java. It provides a configuration service and provides several components that handle the common tasks related to game development, in order to ease and speed up game development and provide default services from the beginning.

JGF lets you focus in the actual game content development, as it takes care of common game functionality (see Features).

If you are interested, please visit http://code.google.com/p/jgf/. Don’t forget to vote afterwards!

And a screenshot of one of the test programs (more screenies at JGF site):


The project is still on an early development stage.

Thank you!

I think this is an excellent idea, even if personnaly I dont think that I will use it, I am sure that lot of people will.

Yep, definitely a good idea! Though I’d like to see the module remain independently useable, some of it sounds like I could use it in 2D or 3D, or with different rendering libraries.


Never any harm in it; you missed an option off the poll which I would have liked to select though, which was “I’ve already got a game framework and I’m not changing any time soon!” :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

I put together a simple video about this:


Several Game companies are using existing Game Engines (Quake, Unreal), and build their game around that. It allows them to focus on making the game, not the architecture to make the game.
There are advantages and disavantages to using a Framework. Flexible is important. What can some do with it, and can they expand it.

FYI: they have (mostly) only done this where it allows them to fire their entire game-engine-programming department, and spend the money saved on extra level-designers / artists / shader-programmers / producers / etc.

It’s a very different world in the Unreal and Quake ocean. (and … Quake? Who the heck uses Quake any more?)


I proposed my help to the author to implement some features on the forum of JME 2 but I have got no reply for the moment…

It’s very likely that development has died - that seems to happen pretty frequently on projects like this.

Are you sure the development has died? What do you mean by “projects like this”? Do you know other projects that look like this one and whose development has died? The source code is here:

I will try to contact the author. We need such tools. It is possible to use MMF2 to build simple games and then export them as Java standalone applications but it is quite slow. Having a RAD tool to create Java games would allow artists to use our technology without any knowledge of Java. I’m disappointed.


The author is very busy, he found a new job. He wrote that he could not work on his framework during 4 months. Stay tuned.

Looks interesting. I don’t like digging through XML though.

I love the idea of a game framework, I am currently building one myself which I use for my projects. But I’d like to see more detail about the features.

Hello. Thank you for all the feedback!

I am trying go slowly get put some more effort on this project, but I think it’s time for a few early adopters/developers to join.

The plan is to meet on IRC a couple of times and asign a few tasks to make some progress.

If any of you is interested please let me know (preferably through the discussion group http://groups.google.com/group/jgf-users).

(Project home: http://code.google.com/p/jgf/)